Connor has started golf and he loves it! He has been golfing rain or shine, cold or warm, sometimes it's pretty dark out and he's still missing. He had his first high school meet on Monday and is looking to improve his score next time. It wasn't his best day, but he's had some pretty amazing days leading up to it. He, too, is just so much fun! I love parenting high school boys--there is no drama...or not much drama, anyways. Connor and his friends spend lots of time over here, empty our snack box often, laugh LOUDLY, and just have so much fun.
Breuklyn has been back at the barn...which means I've been spending many of my days at the barn as well. One of my friends was out with her kids the other day and stated that she would've pictured me last of anyone to be out with these furry beasts. She's so right. I don't like animals up close and personal. I'm pretty much freaked out by anything alive and non-human. God is smiling, maybe belly-laughing when He watches what goes on in that barn. I'm pretty sure every hose is a snack, everything fuzzy is a mouse, disgusted by poop on my sandals...He must laugh. I love nothing more than watching Breuklyn's hair in the wind as her horse is running through the field with her on his bare back...she is gorgeous out there--exactly what she was made to do. I'm still sort of freaked out, but am stomping around there pushing heavy horse butts out of the way, throwing bales of hay, and yeah...stepping in poo!
Selah is doing beautifully! This is only God. We have been so clueless as to how to parent her unique needs...He has completely intervened. Her heart has changed so much in the past couple of months--it blows my mind. Not only is she falling in love with her family...we have fallen head over heels in love with her. She fits perfectly. Oh, how I enjoy listening to her read. She has so much expression, especially when she doesn't think anyone can hear her. We turn the monitor on when her and Gracie play together...at first for safety reasons, now just to hear their giggles, to hear them role-play...they are so incredibly tight. True sisters in every sense of the word. Thank you for praying for our daughter--God indeed is filling her up!
And Gracie...despite the bad news of a couple of weeks ago, she is doing super well. She talks and talks and talks and talks... Just a few months ago, she could say very, very little. Today, I sent my friend Sara, her speech therapist, a text that said She won't shut up! THanks :) It's true...she talks from the time she gets up until she goes to bed...her little mouth is always moving. She giggles with everything inside of her. What a little honey she is.
Life is good...it's amazing actually. Sometimes we get so caught up in what is hard that we forget just how beautiful our life actually is. The past couple of weeks have been difficult--we can't help but think of what is to come. But today--sheer bliss!
Oh yeah--and Connor is 15--am I really typing that? 15 years of awesomeness!!
Oh how I have been praying for your sweet family. God is so good. I am in tears as I read this post. We will keep praying!
Love your family- love the joy they all radiate! So thankful that Selah is fitting in more and more! Such answered prayer!!
We are amazed at the progress Sarah has made and oh, so thankful for it, too!
We pray for Gracie everyday! Along with Luke! He is having surgery on April 21st in Israel- we are praying big time on the 20th (fasting and prayer) along with prayer on the 21st too. They are dong a complete reconstruction and have stated they will fix his heart... praying that God will be there to actually do the fixing!
Your big boys are awesome! Thank goodness Derek is not going too far away- PTL! Connor will especially miss him along with everyone else.
BTW golf is a match not a meet- that's track!
You need a pair of cowboy boots- little lady! How about for mother's day!
Oh Gayle, what a beautiful family! Been crazy busy here over the past few months, and I am just now catching up with people! We think of Selah and Gracie so often. Hugs and prayers from Memphis.
Melissa (Lucy's Mom)
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