Our first few days of spring break have been amazing...oh, so fun! We arrived in Orlando just 22 hours after exiting our driveway...that has to be a record! We drove through the night and the kids did great. Gracie is an amazing little traveler! She didn't sleep much, but Bob and Larry kept us all entertained for probably 16 of the 22 hours! I took the night shift...one would think that would be a quiet time to drive--not so much! Gracie stayed up with me until 2:00 am. This is the child who is in bed sleeping by 7 each night. Derek and Connor were night owls with me as well. Curtis and Selah snoozed! Selah nods off on the way to school in the morning--there is something about motion and sleep with her.
We spent Friday afternoon and all of Saturday just enjoying this beautiful house we are renting. It has a fantastic pool area and lots of space--it's really quite nice. Then on Sunday we ventured out to Discovery Cove, where Curtis and the three older kids swam with the dolphins. We also snorkeled and played with stingrays. Discovery Cove has an incredible Aviary. Someone told us to go there first...I'm not a bird lover, so I'm thinking it would be kind of boring...NOT AT ALL! The birds captured our kids, all of them but Gracie. She was freaked out, completely freaked out!
Then today we went to Clearwater Beach and enjoyed the waves and the sand. The older three kids and I went parasailing...that was quite a ride!
Today is the day two years ago that we said "good-bye" to our sweet little Gracie. To think she's the little one on the beach searching for shells and showing every stranger, to watch her giggling when the waves climbed up her belly, to be on the receiving end of her perfect little smooches...we have been given such a gift, such an amazing miracle. If you haven't ever read Gracie's story, check out journeytome.com and look under the public stories of journey to gracie yan and he fubai. The month of March 2007 was a time in which we, as a family watched God work so obviously and mightily...we are reminded of this each day, each morning as we greet Gracie for the day. He still heals, He still is performing miracles...our God is mighty! I continue to be amazed! Today we talked of our trip to Florida last year--at 16 months, Gracie wasn't mobile, she was still very much a baby. This year, Gracie is 2, every bit 2! She was a pill at the restaurant, she was entertaining on the beach, she ate sand...not once, but twice, she has the most adorable little body, the most kissable toes--we are amazed!
Selah isn't sure what to think about vacation. She was super excited to go to "Forilda", but when we arrived seemed a bit nervous. She asked if we were going back to Mommy's house and yesterday when I woke her up for Discovery Cove, she asked if it was time to go home. Today is better. She is afraid of everything here, completely out of her comfort zone, yet trusting us, holding tightly to us, knowing we will take care of her. She is still safe...just unsure of what's next. We get so excited for something different. Selah has found out home is a pretty great place to be...why leave?
We are really seeing how our lives have changed these past few years. Our older three kids are awesome vacationers! They love to just relax, they love touring things, easy to entertain. Often times, Curtis and I are seeing it is the two of us with Selah and Gracie and the other three are off on an adventure. How simple, how fun would all of these adventures be...but then we see those huge dimples on Gracie's face, we see the light in Selah's eyes. We watch Derek holding onto Gracie with such tenderness, we see Connor in the pool encouraging Selah to swim, we see Breuklyn teaching, loving, and being such a caregiver to her sisters. These children are such blessings...they are all amazing, each one of them.
Have a wonderful night!
I am so Jealous! Brad and I are talking about a possible Florida beach vacation since we need to fly to Florida before flying to Haiti when we pick up Asher. We were thinking "low key" since Asher basically has never been out of the O. Can you recommend a house for us to rent? Love to see you guys having so much fun together...keep those pictures coming :-)
I'm glad I checked in on your blog tonight! Looks like you are having a wonderful vacation. I will have to check out that Discovery Cove if I ever get to Florida. It looks fantastic!
LOVE the pics, Gayle and hearing about all the fun you guys are having together as a family. Awesome to hear you review God's faithfulness in action in your family!! We all need to be reminded of it! AND I so understand Selah's emotions as I watch Kaylin do similar things at times when out of her comfort zone....home is such a special place for these children. Give everyone hugs from us! Much love!
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