Seriously, when we started Gracie's Journey to Me journal three years ago, it was for the sole purpose of keeping family and friends updated without needing to make a gzillion phone calls. I had no idea that God would use that journal to bring friends alongside us, to bless us so abundantly with others who have a heart for adoption. I must admit, I have about five blogs I check daily...not only do I read these blogs, I pray for these families, and email back and forth a bit. Last week, I was blessed...oh, so meet two families in person and "hug their necks" as Linny would say. First of all, on Monday, I drove down to Iowa City to meet Linn, Dw, Isaiah, and Liberty. Going to Iowa City to have this incredible surgery done on Isaiah's legs, only to land Dw in the hospital with a serious liver disease. They are now home in Colorado, but Dw is still feeling crummy. Linn and I hit it off beautifully! I knew we would...we have this relationship built on something so much bigger than blogs...our relationship has been built on prayer, we share a heart for the orphan and more importantly, a heart for Jesus. We ate lunch together with Dw and the kids, then ventured off to shop, even purchasing matching shirts for our next get-together. I'm thinking a trip to Colorado is in our future!!! 

Like-minded--exactly! Fun to meet my new friends in person, share some sweet conversation, some sweet hugs!
Then on Thursday, my friend Jean, from Minnesota, was traveling to Iowa City to see her daughter and we met at the local park. It was sweet! We had to cram 20 hours of talking into can just about imagine! Most definitely we will be meeting up with Jean, her husband, and children soon. Our husbands hit it off quite well also--we had a great time--it was just too short. This sweet family has such a heart for adoption. After raising several children, they are not content with the two girls they have already adopted from China, but rather continue on bringing home as many children as God places in their hearts and in their arms. I'm inspired!
Phil. 2:1-4 If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Like-minded--exactly! Fun to meet my new friends in person, share some sweet conversation, some sweet hugs!
Gayle I hope you know you can set up to have all blog posts shown at once, and not check each individually? I found it myself several weeks ago..
I am so glad that you got to meet Linny. I just keep hoping that she travels further east some day!!!! She's originally from NY so I keep hoping.......
Kathie in NY
Gayle, It is Ellen W. from Illinois. It has been awhile since I wrote last. You made my day as I too follow Jean's and , Place called simplicity everyday without fail. What an awesome treat to open your post and see you with them both. That is neat. I can't even begin to think of school yet for Aug. This yr I will have a college soph, senior, fresh, 7th and kinderg. Kind of sad to have all of them out of my nest during the day. : ( God bless your day and hope all is well. Ellen
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