Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just horsin' around!

Breuklyn participated in her first horse show with her own horse last week--WOW! She has worked so hard and is such a great little rider. Her horse, however, is not used to competing or being around other horses and people...he was naughty! Oh, so naughty. He bucked and reared and wouldn't cooperate for anything. By the last event people were just cheering as Breuklyn and La-Kota finished well. We are looking forward to many more shows and knowing that things can only get better :) !! Breuklyn's comment a couple of days ago was this... "These horses are teaching me to not be so competetive, but rather to love them as they are." Insightful, huh? I think, as parents, we should be hanging this little quote on our fridge. Out of the mouth of Breuklyn...

Potential?? Perhaps! (It's a stick horse...if you couldn't tell!)

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